
Thom Gillespie

   Bloomington, IN USA



Social Media



The Measles Calculator


University of California, PhD, Information Studies


Hi, I'm Thom,

Current PDF resume: Resume

I teach completely online as the Program Director of a Department of Information Technology at a small university. Previously, I was the director of the graduate program in Interactive Communications at Quinnipiac University. Before that I created the Masters in Immersive Mediated Environments (MIME) in the Department of Telecommunications at Indiana University. Both programs are dedicated to interactive storytelling and computer game design which draw on existing talent: Fine Arts, Telecommunications, Computer Science, Music, Business, Theater, Journalism, Folk-Lore, Information Sciences and Instructional Design.

I am also a volunteer instructor for the University of the People. I teach in the area of computer science and information retrieval.

I've presented workshops on a variety of MediaJazz: 3D modeling, game design and interactive storytelling at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; National Chengchi University Taipei, Taiwan; Canadian Film Center; the University of Wisconsin; the Summer Institute in Integrated media at the University of Vermont; Art, Faith, and Social Justice at Marquette; Digital Bridges at Western Michigan; Brooklyn College (Gangs & Games); Stanford's Digital Media Academy; the University of Texas at Austin; ACM-HCI in Atlanta; the University of Hawaii; American Association of Multimedia Designers; the International Television Association; Museums and the Web and the Museum of the Person in Brazil.

I'm particularly interested in 3d modeling and animation, interactive conversational interfaces, interactive storytelling, computer game design, online education and citizen media for social change.

My work experience has ranged from Kivalina Alaska, 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle to Yogyakarta, Indonesia on the Equator for the United Nations and many places in between.

Program Design

The MIME program: the Masters in Immersive Mediated Environments, interactive storytelling and Computer Game Design. 1996 - 2008

Classes Designed

Art, Entertainment and Information

Interactive Storytelling

Introduction to 3D Modeling

T101: Living in the Information Age

Game Design Workshop Notes

Recent Publications, Presentations & Workshops

May 6, 2023 - August 6, 2023

Indiana Now 2023: A juried fine art exhibition.

The Night Gardner, Digital Collage

June 7-11, 2023

Kolaj Fest New Orleans: Presentation on Digital Collage and AI tools.

November 5-7, 2021

Kolaj LIVE Knoxville: Presentation on Digital Doodling.

Some Writing

If baboons ran schools ...

Brenda Laurel

When customs change, writing changes

Great Canadian Story Engine

Why Grand Theft Auto is wonderful for teaching ethics and morality

LOL: Lots of Luck? Laughing out Loud? Or, learning Outside the Lines ...

My Lunch with Annie Lang: Children, Violence, Imitation (and a darned good house salad)

an interviw with Mihai Nadin

Karen Worcman and The Museum of the Person

Rip, Mix and Burn

Chris Crawford's Phrontisterion

Hard Fun ... squeak!!! Squeak Programming

Violence, Games and Art