Tues/Thursday 5:30 - 7:15 p.m. HYPR 155 Thom Gillespie 855-3254, Office hours Wednesday 2-4 and by appointment. Our list: I_STORIA@indiana.edu
... is a project-based studio course in which students from a variety of disciplines work together in small teams on a variety of entertainment projects: graphic novels, film & video for the web, card games, board games, live action role-playing games. This is a class about design, play testing and publishing entertainment. All students in the class will be involved in all aspects of basic media development. They will develop a range of entertainment ideas in various formats, discuss the ideas, further develop the ideas in groups, play test their ideas, produce finished pieces and begin the process of publishing their work. The goal is to play ideas into existence.
No passing grade will be given if all assignments are not completed and handed. All assignments lose half their value if late.
Sept 2:Introductions
Sept 4: Bring to class: a pitch for a 'piece' you love to read/watch/play and an analysis of what you like in particular about this form of play. 2 pages max, text, sketches, what ever. Bring in 18 copies for everyone in the class.
Inspiration: Author of Book Series Sends Kids on a Web Treasure Hunt & Television Keeps a Hand in the Online Game With Serialized Shows
Sept 9: GameZombie.tv
Sept 11: Bring in a card game proposal based upon your experience of the Slocom collection at the Lilly Library
Sept 16:
Story, read for Tuesday:
Center for Digital Storytelling
Bring in a card game idea influenced by these resources:
Sept 18
Sept 23: Bring in a working copy of one of your card games so we can play them and see how they work or don't.
Sept 25: Continue 'playing' our games. Elizabeth & TingTing will come in and talk about Sun Chaser, his game.
Sept 30: Bring 1 proposal.
I Have No Words & I Must Design
Oct 2:
Oct 7: Arg proposal due.
GDC: The Game Design Challenge: The Nobel Peace Prize
Oct 9:
Oct 14: Nic Mathews: the Comedy of www.homestarrunner.com
ICI script due:
Oct 16: Aaron Kahn: Schism- The difference between Eastern and Western Comic Books and Cartoons.
Oct 21: Jack Chang
Title: Your eyes are smarter than you think
Abstract: It was not until I become a research engineer focusing in the
development of image processing used in video surveillance did I
realize how wondrous human vision and perception are.
Oct 23: Steve Burns The Machina Mystery
Oct 28 Marcella: Adam Jones' visual style
Oct 30 Brittany: the works of Nicholas Sparks, and the works he inspires ("A Walk To Remember", "The Notebook", "Message in a Bottle", "The Guardian", "Nights in Rodanthe", etc).
First book report due.
Nov 4:
Nov 6:
Nov 11:
Nov 13
Nov 18:
Nov 20: Second book report due.
Nov 25: no class
Nov 22: Thanksgiving
Dec 2:
Dec 4:
Dec 9:
Dec 11:
Dec 18: Final Exam 7:15 pm