Thom Gillespie - Director, MIME Program Clinical Associate Professor of Telecommunications Ph.D. in Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley (1991) Interactive Storytelling, game design and new media for social change |
Lee Sheldone - Asst. Professor Narrartive design, writing, interactive storytelling and computer game design |
Osgood Manager / Clinical Professor of Telecommunications Independent Television producer and documentarian |
Betsi Grabe - Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Journalism, New Media, Digital Culture & Society |
Susan Kelly - Lecturer: gender in the media; gender and sexuality in popular culture; advertising and the consumer culture |
Harmeet - Associate Professor Networks and Creative Environments |
Ted Castronova - Associate Professor Game economics and Synthetic Worlds |
Norbert Herber
Lecturer of Telecommunications M.S. in Immersive Mediated Environments, Indiana University (2000) PhD Candidate, University of Plymouth (CAiiA, Planetary Collegium) Composer and Sound Artist |
Bucy Associate Professor of Telecommunications Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Maryland (1998) M.A. in Print Journalism, University of Southern California (1989) Political Communication and Campaign design |
Mark Deuze - Assistant Professor New Media, Digital Culture & Society |
Krahnke Lecturer of Telecommunications / Director of National Production, WTIU M.A. in Administration, University of Michigan Independent Television producer |
Lang Professor of Telecommunications / Director, Institute for Communication Research Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison (1987) M.A., University of Florida - Gainesville (1983) |
Fox Assistant Professor of Telecommunications Ph.D. in Communication, Cornell University (1999) MPS in Communication, Cornell University (1991) Applied Emotional and Cognitive psychology for interactive media design |
Andrew Bucksbarg Assistant Professor of Telecommunications |
Barbara Cherry - Professor Law & Policy, FCC, Digital Culture & Society |
Krause Assistant Clinical Professor of Telecommunications M.S. in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University Independent Television producer and documentarian |
David Waterman - Professor Economics of Radio, Television and Film |
Gantz Professor of Telecommunications / Department Chair Ph.D. in Communications, Michigan State University (1975) M.A. in Speech and Radio-TV, University of Michigan (1972) Audience analysis and advertising |
Rob Potter Assistant Professor of Telecommunications Ph.D. in Mass Communication, Indiana University (1998) M.S.Ê in Communication, Eastern Washington University (1993) Impact of audio in mediated environments on emotion and cognition Blog |
Andrew Weaver - Asst. Professor Effects, New Media, Digital Culture & Society |
Dan-Adrian German Lecturer. MS in computer science, Indiana University (1994) Networked game design in Java |
Margaret Dolinsky Artist, Research Scientist and Assistant Professor at the School of Fine Arts at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. MFA from the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Electronic Visualization Laboratory Indiana. Maragret researches, designs and creates for the CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE). |
Complete list of all Telecommunications
Faculty & Staff |
Name |
Office #
Phone | |
Affe, Robert |
307 |
856-5688 | raffe |
Agostino, Don |
337 |
855-6106 | agostino |
Brower, Kalynn |
240A |
855-6106 | kbrower |
Bryant, Alison | 323 |
856-2460 | albryant |
Andrew Bucksbarg | 318 |
856-9051 | abucksba |
Bucy, Erik |
327 |
856-5207 | ebucy |
Burke, Richard |
337 |
855-6106 | burker |
Carmichael, Scott |
210C |
855-2126 | sacarmic |
Castillo, Russ |
240A |
856-0152 | rucastil |
Edward Castronova | 314 |
856-5981 | castro |
Cronk, Sam | 240D |
856-0147 | scronk |
Crosbie, Elizabeth | 261 |
855-3828 | elcrosbi |
Deuze, Mark | 319 |
856-5884 | mdeuze |
Eastman, Susan |
337 |
855-6106 | eastman |
Forkner, Terry |
240A |
855-0152 | forkner |
Fox, Julia |
309 |
855-9935 | jurfox |
Gantz, Walter |
264 |
855-1621 | gantz |
Gillespie, Thom |
346 |
855-3254 | thom |
Hallett, Karen | Edu 2008 |
856-8408 | hallett |
Harrell, John | 240D |
856-5689 | harreljr |
Haywood-Smith, Lynda | 240 |
855-4450 | lyhaywoo |
Herber, Norbert | 344 |
855-1798 | nherber |
Kelly, Susan | 312 |
855-3154 | skelly |
Krahnke, Steve | 267 |
856-4789 | skrahnke |
Krause, Jim | 350 |
856-2172 | jarkraus |
Lang, Annie | 308 |
855-5824 | anlang |
MacArthur, Paul | 306 |
856-2552 | pmacarth |
McGregor, Michael | 352 |
855-6295 | mcgregom |
Meyer, Phil | 190A |
856-5042 | pwmeyer |
Myers, Jeanne | 240E |
856-3075 | jealmyer |
Nelson, Reed | 261 |
855-6895 | reanelso |
Owen, Suzann | 240A |
336-5337 | smowen |
Osgood, Ron | 329 |
855-5096 | osgoodr |
Paul, Bryant | 333 |
856-2574 | bmpaul |
Pierce, Matt | 240A |
856-0152 | mspierce |
Potter, Rob | 305 |
856-2546 | rfpotter |
Raad, Gary | BS BPO |
855-2478 | graad |
Sawhney, Harmeet | 325 |
855-0954 | hsawhney |
Schwartz, Nancy | 335 |
855-7720 | ncschwar |
Terry, Herb | 317 |
855-4251 | terry |
Theodore, Tamera | 261 |
855-2017 | ttheodor |
Sari Thomas | 313 |
856-5690 | st5 |
Waterman, David | 311 |
855-6170 | waterman |
White, Legene | 240E |
855-7086 | whitell |
Winninger, John | 276 |
855-4748 | winninge |
© 2006, Dept. of Telecom | Indiana University